Friday, December 17, 2010


...Celebrations! Well done IBA debaters! May there be many more debates your way :)

and well of course CONRATULATIONS to our IIUM team, who so ardently held up the IIUM pride (he he.. drama much?) 

and with that the Debate Championship came to an end.... 

Thursday, December 16, 2010


                   and tokens of appreciation are been given to the Sponsors of the entire event....

and the Best speaker goes out to: Tasneem Elias

the best speaker for the finals is: Mohamed Abir Hassan

       *the crowd holds their's....... IBA with a split of 6-3


Meor and Khalidah sitting on the steps, anticipating the results. Meor keeps touchinh his shoes for reassurance..


and the WINNER issssssssssssssssssssssssssssss   *drum roll.... (*Final countdown plays as the background music.... )

Observing the Grand Finale

the debate picks up as the clashes begins at the whip speeches. Tasnim from IIUM and Md. Abir from IBA... Woohoo... and the crowd awakens...

Oh wait, the reply speeches...  even better..

The Grand Finale is onnnn

International Islamic University Malaysia as the government bench whilst Institute of Business Administration takes Opposition.

And what may the Motion be?

THBT OIC should have its own elected parliament.

Govt Bench: IIUM
Khalida as Prime Minister
Meor as Deputy Prime Minister
and Tasneem as the Whip

Opposition: IBA
Gaushey Shahariar as Opposition Leader
Ashfaqul Hoq Chowdhury as Deputy Opposition Leader
Md. Abir Hasan as Whip

The Grand Finale- is todaaaaay...

and the teams which broke were:

IIUM (Malaysia)  aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd  IBA (Bangladesh)

a debate that ought to be watched, indefinitely :p